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Ministry News from Dr. Mike Peper

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Sierra Leone

Vicki and Abdul Conteh

Dr. Mike and  Diane Peper



Salt and Light for Sierra Leone March Prayer Letter. 


During January we conducted a month of stewardship in all of the 26 churches.  Everyone was asked to fill out a commitment card for tithing and on the first Sunday of February they were asked to make a Faith Promise for Missions.   I had shared with them 2 missionary projects for them to support.


Although we dropped in attendance during the month of  January, we had a  tremendous response in February with our churches averaging 2,476 in attendance on Sunday morning and 402 people making a profession of faith in Christ.  This is the highest numbers thus far. 


We  entered the district of Port Loko into the  section of Morica.  We have 4 churches  and an elementary school  in that section.  That area has become known as a  ‘Christian Community ‘.


Two weeks ago our pastors entered a new section located in the Port Loko District next to the Morica section.  They went to the different villages within the ‘Konta Line’ section and preached a simple Gospel message.  God wonderfully blessed that day and 2,145 people accepted Christ as their Saviour.  Again,  this is a Muslim community that heard the Good News for the first time.


The pastors wrote down the names of all those who are educated and we will begin to disciple them first.  From these, we need to pray for the Lord to call out future spiritual leaders and pastors that can minister to those who are uneducated and unable to read.


Since three of the villages number over 2,000 people each, we are anticipating at least 6 - 9 churches and 4 - 6 elementary schools.


Let’s pray that this section will come to Christ as did Morica.


Thanks to all of you for what you are doing in Sierra Leone.

In Christ,


​Mike and Diane

Mike and Diane Peper



As you may know, the Rawlings Foundation has invested in Youth camps in countries around the world and one of those countries is Sierra Leone. My Son-in-law and daughter are privileged to represent the Rawlings Foundation by overseeing the camp.  The camp is located on 42 acres of beach-front property.  The Foundation is in the process of developing the camp and have already completed a pavilion, kitchen, dug a well, and have a good start on landscaping the property.  

Youth Camp with over 500 Senior High from Muslim School hearing about and singing about Jesus



Although the camp has not been completed, it has already hosted thousands of young people with thousands of young people being saved. Though Sierra Leone is a predominately Muslim country, the camp has already proven itself to be a bridge in reaching the Muslim young people of this country. 


Two weeks ago an Islamic high school came to the camp with 543 students in attendance.   Out of that number, 378 accepted Christ along with the Principal, the Vice Principal, and

6 of the teachers.  We are so excited about the future of this ministry. 

Mission Agency: Central Missionary Clearing House,   P.O. Box 219228,  Houston, TX 77218   Phone 610-451-6651
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